New Year’s Resolution in 2022?
Who would have thought on New Year’s Eve 2020, when you may have been making your annual resolutions or goals, that we were entering the Covid Years. I don’t know if that is a common term, but it is the way I have been thinking about the past 2 years. To me, these past 2 years have been unprecedented. Before Covid, I never worried about illness, lockdowns, closures, or shut downs. I just expected life to continue as it always had in the past. And throughout the ups and downs of the past 2 years, I have remained an optimist. When infections were down, I was hopeful that life would resume as normal. And with variants changing and making us lockdown and isolate again, I am still hopeful that this is just a season that will pass. Eventually we will learn to live with this virus. We might do things somewhat differently, at least for a period of time, but it will pass and we will evolve. That’s what we do as humans.
So, for this upcoming year, as I contemplate my goals, I am humbled to know that my goals might not be possible because of this new reality. Making goals might seem futile in this environment. But my optimistic nature makes me want a happy ending. I want to make goals for the new year and see them come to fruition! And I want that for everyone! Maybe the way to do that is to make goals that can come true in any environment. So now I am asking myself, what goals are possible in this environment?
These are the goals that I am setting for myself in the new year:
Go outside daily (even if it is -30 degree Celcius, as it is in my home city of Calgary today)
Exercise daily (even if it is going for a walk or doing 10 jumping jacks before bed)
Do something thoughtful for someone I love every day (because it feels good)
Do something thoughtful for myself every day (because why not)
Find a way to use my gifts and talents every day (because I think that is the root of happiness)
"Work hard, have fun & kick butt!" (A saying I borrowed from a hockey mom I know who said it to her kids before each game. Then I adopted it and said it to my own kids. I think it is a great motto for life)!
What are some goals you could set for yourself in these Covid years? What would delight you? What is possible? Probably more than you think.
Have fun coming up with things and make 2022 the best year to date for yourself!
** And just a side note – one thing that I know is possible to do even in the Covid Years is to write a book. I held 3 Virtual Writer’s Retreats in 2021 and helped many people in writing the book they’ve always wanted to write. Some have completed their books and some are on their way. Everyone was happy for the experience of writing for 3 days with intense focus. I am having another Retreat Weekend on January 28th-30th with the preparation Webinar on January 12th. If writing a book is something you’ve always wanted to do, why not do it now, in 2022! There’s never been a better time to do it.
To register now, click on the link below. I can guarantee it will be an amazing weekend for you and you will be surprised at what you can achieve!
And one last thing- here’s a quote from Jean M. Auel, who wrote The Clan of the Cave Bear and many others.
If you want to write, don’t say you want to do it someday, don’t wait until the spirit moves you: Sit down and do it … Inspiration happens when you are working at it.
Jean M. Auel The Clan of the Cave Bear