The question I posed for the month of August was "What can you do to savour the rest of your summer?" I had said I wanted to experiment with doing something every day for the rest of August to maximize my summer experience. I feel like I did that. And it was great!
Some highlights for me included going on holiday to British Colombia with family in Invermere and visiting friends in Kelowna. It was great fun visiting, eating, drinking, enjoying going out in the water (not in that order). I even got an impromptu invitation to an outdoor karaoke party, which was a delight for me. And I also loved connecting with so many amazing people that I call friends and family, enjoying time together going for a walk or run or over a cup of tea or glass of wine. These simple pleasures are the root of my joy of life.
I also got out for some hikes, like I was hoping to. It was funny to notice the role reversal that took place when I went hiking with my kids. My son planned it, drove us there and packed the supplies. My daughter made sure they didn't leave me in the dust and slowed the pace down for me to keep up. She also helped me out when I took a little tumble on our descent. It was a humbling and beautiful experience.
Another highlight was celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary with my husband by going on an overnight trip in the mountains. I told him that we should do something like that every year from now on because it was so nice to get away together, even for one night. It was a wonderful chance to reconnect without any distractions.
Another thing that added to my summer was working on my book that I started writing in May. Once I got into it, I was excited to keep working on it. And I am happy to say that I completed the first draft of it in the middle of August. I am working on revising it and starting a new book this weekend during an online writer's retreat. Having a passion project to enjoy this summer has added to my overall feeling of happiness.
And a huge highlight this summer was that one of my coaching clients published her book on Amazon! Her book is titled Under the Ombu Tree. It is a beautiful historical fiction book taking place in 19th century Scotland and Argentina. If you are interested in looking at it, you can click on the title to view it on Amazon. I loved reading it! I feel honoured that I got to witness my client follow her passion and make her dream come true. And this is just the beginning for her. It was an incredible achievement that I got to enjoy vicariously through her.
As I was reflect on everything that I experienced in August, it is possible that I could have done more or I could have done less, but I feel so satisfied with exactly what I did. When opportunities came up, I took them and fully enjoyed them. And I also enjoyed days that were relaxed and easy. It was a nice balance of being and doing. It was 'just right'.
I am ending August on a profound note of gratitude. And I am ready for a new season and a new intention for the month of September. Stay tuned for my September post on the first Monday of September, September 7th.
How was August for you? Did you experience the things that were most important for you? If not, there is still time to do something fun or satisfying for you. Just for fun, pick something that you really want to experience before the end of the month and DO IT! I dare you! And as always, I would love to hear from you and what did you do to savour your summer? Please share anything you'd like in the comments below, in our Weekly ONE Thing Facebook Group or on Facebook or any other social media.Your ideas can inspire other people. I look forward to reading your posts! Wishing you so much joy for the rest of your summer and beyond!