It's the start of a new year! I loved writing my Weekly ONE Thing blog last year. I found it was a great way to keep myself motivated to focus on different areas in my life that I wanted to grow in. This year I would like to continue that idea in a slightly different way. This is the start of MAP- My Amazing-Year Plan!I am envisioning this to be a guide for the year. It is to help you focus on something each month to create the year that you want for yourself. It is to help you keep moving in the direction of being the person you want to be. It is a balance between expanding yourself and enjoying who you are in this moment. It is for you to experience Joy! To experience Life! To experience Your Own Magnificence! Your year is yours to design. You choose the size, the quality, the colour, the texture, the fragrance. Experience it how you want to. You are the creator. Create your year. Create your life.
Stay tuned for each month's post on the first Monday of the month. I will also post my own learnings from each month on the last Friday of the month and invite you to do the same. I am looking forward to an amazing year and wishing the same for you! Join me in this journey to the best year yet!